Technologies Data Processing side

High accurate estimation of velocity (=PSDM)

OGF’s velocity model building technology has all the tools needed to quickly build an accurate velocity model for time or depth imaging. OGF’s SPArK toolkit enables quick, effective velocity model building for any geological setting. SPArK can tomographically model build in offset and angle domain and can build not only velocity models but anisotropy and Q models as well.

The OGF model building toolkit also incorporates FWI (Full Waveform Inversion) technology, which allows us to add more detail to resolve complex velocity issues.
Accurate, reliable imaging of the subsurface requires an appropriate choice of migration algorithm. The OGF imaging suite includes a full complement of industry leading imaging algorithms. These algorithms include Kirchhoff time, Kirchhoff depth, Wave Equation Migration (WEM), Reverse Time Migration (RTM), and Least-Squares Migration (LSM). All OGF migration algorithms are Q enabled.

OGF’s velocity model building processing including FWI in conjunction with a Kirchhoff depth migration yield a high-resolution velocity model that conforms well with the subsurface geology in complex areas

Broadband Processing (=improving resolution)

The bandwidth of marine towed streamer acquisition is reduced by the presence of ghosts. However, OGF technology can recover the frequencies lost to ghosts. Two types of method are offered to address the ghosts – acquisition-based and processing-based solutions.

OGF’s acquisition-based solution uses TANSA’s dual-sensor Geostreamer technology to completely recover the energy at the receiver notches (bandwidth with missing data). This energy is otherwise lost in single sensor acquisition.

OGF also utilizes a processing-based solution to model the ghost functions, for which compensation can then be applied. There are limitations to this technology as there are many assumptions to the properties of source and to the sea state. Processing-based deghosting solutions can be applied to both multi-sensor acquisition and conventional streamer data. This means that the benefits of modern technology can be applied to vintage datasets via reprocessing, bringing a new perspective to older data.

OGF offers a complete set of deghosting solutions comprising both acquisition-based and processing- based techniques or a combination of both.